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facebook account locked problems

Facebook account locked problem

Notice to Facebook users Harassment is happening with Facebook users Facebook is increasing stress on citizens Stress Facebook is locking users' profiles. This creates tension. Friends this incident is real. We will see how to lock it as follows.

Hello friends and family welcome to this blog I am telling you about the happenings in Facebook which is Satya. It will be analyzed and told. While I was using Facebook I thought we should make our Facebook ID strong so I was texting a good password and suddenly my Facebook account got locked. And first of all I got a message that someone else is accessing your facebook ID. Allow Facebook to lock your profile.

Vishal in Facebook, Your account has been locked We have seen unusual activity on your account. This could mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge. We'll take you through a few steps to unlock your account. Account locked on July 21, 2022 To protect you, your profile is not visible to people on Facebook and you cannot use your account.

Facebook account locked problems
Facebook account locked problems 

Something went wrong Couldn't load story Please try again The feed is currently unavailable This may be due to a technical error which we are working to resolve. Try reloading this page. Reload When Facebook account is locked you can't use it as you can see in the picture below.

Something went wrong
Something went wrong

And this incident is happening with others too. You can see it as follows.

 On Wednesday, Facebook users noticed a strange error in their accounts. Mark Zuckerberg's networking platform is aware of the flaw but has not commented on the issue, the report said.

 Various users have reported random celebrity spamming. He complained that his news feed was spammed with accounts of celebrities he followed on Facebook. The feed includes posts from celebrities like Shakira, Deepika Padukone, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Sachin Tendulkar and others. The bug is affecting Facebook users in various countries including India.

 Comment to know complete information. thank you

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